SEQUOYA News for good work

Newsletter registration

In working life, things sometimes go haywire. In our “news for good work”, we provide ideas about how to do this better about twice a month (German language) – including tips on conscious career design and ideas about how we want to live and work in the future.

Spree in der Abendsonne_ Newsletter-Anmeldung

For all those who want to make a difference with their work

What's inside the newsletter

  • Tips for consciously shaping your career. So that work fits life - not the other way around
  • Suggestions for application phase and probationary period
  • Ideas for more serenity and satisfaction in everyday work and for good teamwork
  • Impulses for how we want to live and work in the future
  • News from SEQUOYA as a company and insights into the everyday life of a career counselor

Selected back issues to read

Calendar week 9/2023: Geistreich, aber ohne Job?

Calendar week 1/2023: Vertrauen Sie schon oder optimieren Sie noch?

Calendar week 45/2022: Zuhören ist wie eine Zeit-Lupe

We send the newsletter about twice a month in German language.

If you no longer want news for good work in your inbox, you can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time.