Kickstart Coaching with LINC Career Profiler

To help you get to the core of where the greatest undiscovered potential of your personality lies even faster in coaching, we have an additional offer for you: the Kickstart Coaching with the LINC Career Profiler, a scientifically based personality test.

Mit dem Kickstart-Coaching wachsen Sie über sich hinaus und bekommen schnell einen guten Überblick über Ihre Entwicklungsfelder.

Get to the Core Faster with LINC Career Profiler

With LINC’s personality test you get a differentiated profile of your character traits, their motives and their competencies.

The evaluation comprises over 30 pages. You get a comprehensive insight into your personality and receive matching job suggestions that will make your job search much easier.

The LINC Career Profiler also provides a good match of self-perceptions and perceptions of others. Many clients feel really seen for the first time, sometimes even relieved. All of them get very concrete impulses on what they could work on in order to be more satisfied and balanced in their working life (and also in their private life).

Scientific basis of the LINC personality test

The LINC Career Profiler is based on the so-called Big Five model of personality psychology. The test applies these five dimensions to your character traits, motives and competencies.

You get a truly holistic picture of your personality based on the latest psychological research.

In this way, a detailed perspective of unused potential and development opportunities can be gained in a short time during coaching.

What is the LINC Career Profiler?

The LINC Career Profiler is a holistic personality test based on current scientific findings in modern personality psychology.

The Career Profiler matches your personality traits with the job profiles of hundreds of professions. This makes it possible to offer you well-founded job suggestions and suitable fields of work on the basis of this test.

This makes the LINC Career Profiler act like a speed booster in career coaching.

Screenshot vom LINC Career Profiler

How do we use the LINC Career Profiler at SEQUOYA?

The LINC test gives you a completely new view of your own personality. The test develops its true power in combination with coaching – that is the reason why you can only get access to the LINC test through certified coaches or trainers.

At SEQUOYA, you will not only receive a detailed and graphically appealing evaluation of your personality test, but also a professional classification of your results with our Kickstart Coaching.

The test result is the basis for an in-depth coaching for personality development, which can immediately start on a very deep, individual level through the test. Our Kickstart coaching is the starting point for your real, sustainable development.

The "Big Five" personality model

The character traits of people are divided into five major areas, the so-called “Big Five” – the standard model of modern personality psychology.
The five dimensions are

  • Openness to new experiences
  • Diligence
  • Extraversion
  • Compatibility, or also affability in contact with other people
  • Neuroticism, or vulnerability, or level of emotional stability.

Each aspect – and its opposite – has advantages and disadvantages. There is no value judgement in the expression, only an inventory of where you are on the spectrum at the moment.

Our offer for you: Kickstart Coaching with the LINC Career Profiler

With the LINC Career Profiler, we offer a recognized, scientifically based personality analysis tool that also provides individual job suggestions.

Without testing, it can take several sessions to identify these areas – simply because much of it is unconscious and without testing must first be worked out using various methods.

Take the smart shortcut we have for you and combine your career coaching with the LINC personality test.

This offer for your quick start into a particularly deep and sustainable personality development costs 350 Euro (net).

This is what you can expect in Kickstart Coaching

  • Scientifically based online questionnaire (completion time approx. 45 min)
  • Extensive feedback and evaluation sessions with a certified LINC coach.
  • Your customized LINC Career Profile with graphics and explanations. A 30+ page detailed results report that you can use again and again for inspiration.
  • Suggestions for suitable occupational fields and job titles
  • Action impulses for the areas of communication, work style, cooperation, leadership and negotiation
  • Depth profiles on agility, leadership, foundation, stress, team and sales.
  • A detailed comparison of self-perception and perception by others

Certified coaches for Kickstart coaching

Marie-Kristin Kaschig, zertifizierte LINC Personality Profiler Coach

Marie-Kristin Kaschig

Marie Kristin Kaschig is an integral business coach and has a lot of experience in accompanying people in their professional reorientation and working with executives who are facing special challenges.

She has used the LINC test many times and has seen time and again that clients can very easily get to the area that has blocked them so far or to the area that is worth developing further.

This resource work is worthwhile because this is where the greatest joy and zest for life lies. Two important factors for a happy working life.

Nina Schrader, Coach

Nina Schrader

Nina Schrader is a business coach, team coach and personal coach. Her systemic training is ECA certified. She worked as an architect for many years and was the owner of a café in Berlin-Kreuzberg.

Nina Schrader enjoys seeing her clients recognize their self-efficacy, discover their solutions and resolve conflicts. The LINC text enables most clients to get to the core very quickly and then find the right lever for the desired change.

The results of her coaching sessions are as individual as the people she works with. It can be very emotional, sometimes it’s about structure and often it’s very humorous.

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Further services in the area Business Coaching

In the onboarding coaching we are at your side in the first months in the new job, for advice and as sparring partners:innen. We are happy to answer any questions, concerns and fears you may have about this challenge and your new role.

In executive coaching, we build on your strengths as a leader and help you find your leadership style, develop your full potential – and still have time and energy left for a life beyond work.

In job coaching, we support you in discovering your own greatness and recognizing where you could put down roots.
And if life has a storm in store, you know which inner source of strength will help you through this time.