Job Coaching

In job coaching, we support you in discovering your own greatness and recognizing where you could put down roots.
And if life has a storm in store, you know which inner source of strength will help you through this time.

Career Coaching Berlin

What do we mean by career planning?

For us, career planning means actively shaping your professional development so that you can realize your strengths and values in the context of your work. So that your work fits your life again – and not the other way around.

With our career coaching you recognize

  • what you can do really well
  • what you really want
  • how you can use both to find a job with meaning.

Unsere Arbeitsweise

We support you with professional change requests
of all kinds, for example:

  • You are unhappy with your job and don’t know what you would like to do instead.
  • You doubt yourself and your abilities.
  • You are afraid of job interviews.

In job coaching, we work together to find out what you need for a fulfilling professional life. With this knowledge, it is easy to make confident decisions about your professional future.

The coaching appointments can take place in person or online as a video call.

SEQUOYA Performance Career Coaching

SEQUOYA means: sequoia tree

Sequoias are survival artists and can withstand any challenge – earthquakes, storms, lightning strikes,… If the trees are injured, the deep-rooted giants of the forest activate their self-healing powers.

We want the same for you!

In job coaching, we support you in discovering your own greatness and recognizing where you could put down roots. And if life has a storm in store, you know which inner source of strength will help you through this time.

Special topics in job coaching

Coaching for returning to work after parental leave

Children turn their parents’ lives upside down. Also the professional life of mothers and fathers. However, mothers take parental leave more often and for longer than fathers. And in most cases, they are the ones who no longer work full-time after having a child. This not only has a financial impact, but also often damages self-esteem. This is mainly because mothers, especially part-time working mothers, are often less confident than they were before giving birth. Which is completely absurd.

Coaching can help to make the return to work after parental leave more relaxed, deal with your own insecurities and find a good balance between work and family.

Resilience coaching and burnout prevention

Resilience is a person’s ability to get up again and again and return to a good state even after periods of stress or crises. This ability is important for staying healthy in the long term in a working environment that is becoming ever faster and ever more complex.

In our resilience coaching, you systematically develop your own resilience and thus effectively protect yourself from possible burnout. You recognize your personal stress factors and develop solutions to reduce them. You will discover which strategies will help you to remain more relaxed in everyday life and to emerge stronger from crises.

Coaching for people with ADHD

People with ADHD face particular challenges in working life. Another deadline missed, another important document misplaced – but 7 new, really good ideas developed for the project. Unfortunately, that was not the task. Social interaction at work can also pose challenges for people with ADHD.

The SEQUOYA team includes several coaches who are well versed in ADHD and its effects on professional life. As a rule, people with ADHD remain below their potential because the regular office routine does not suit neurodiverse people well. Together we will find out what you need to work well and how you can master difficult situations in your professional life.

Coaching for support in crises

Not everything in life always goes according to plan. Quite the opposite. And sometimes there aren’t just stones in the way, but a whole avalanche of them, so that you don’t know where to start clearing up – also for fear that more will start rolling in.

Such crises, whether professional or personal, naturally also have an impact on work. Anyone who has reached their inner breaking point cannot do “business as usual”.

Our coaching supports you in sorting out the crisis and, step by step, getting back to a life and work routine in which more ease is possible again.

Mit dem Kickstart-Coaching wachsen Sie ĂĽber sich hinaus und bekommen schnell einen guten Ăśberblick ĂĽber Ihre Entwicklungsfelder.

Kickstart your career coaching

Today, developing your own personality is a decisive factor on the path to greater professional and personal success. Personal development is therefore an integral part of all our coaching sessions.

To help you get to the heart of your career coaching even faster, we have an additional offer for you: Kickstart coaching with the LINC Personality Profiler.

Read more about our Kickstart coaching here.

Mit dem Kickstart-Coaching wachsen Sie ĂĽber sich hinaus und bekommen schnell einen guten Ăśberblick ĂĽber Ihre Entwicklungsfelder.

Possible goals in career coaching

Professional development

  • Reflection on the current professional situation and own values
  • Develop awareness of criteria for satisfaction in working life, develop professional goals, plan career steps
  • Combining goals with personal strengths
  • Matching wishes and skills with the situation on the labor market
  • Orientation to further training in order to achieve professional goals

Personal development

  • Personal inventory: what should stay, what should change?
  • Overcoming fears that block professional and other developments
  • Develop awareness of personal strengths and skills, recognize the power of your own biography
  • Expansion of skills in the areas of self-management and time management
  • Improving your own appearance, presence and authenticity
  • Improving social and communication skills

More satisfaction and personal well-being

  • Develop more composure, improve handling of stressful situations
  • Learning to treat yourself with love
  • Overcoming fears
  • Coping with injuries from the past, feelings of guilt or shame
  • Manage conflicts better, both professionally and privately
  • Harmonizing professional life with other areas of life
  • Developing supportive structures for everyday (family) life

Find your place in professional life!

With our career coaching, you will find out what you personally understand by a fulfilling professional life and what you need for it. You know which decisions will bring you closer to your goal and find the courage to take the next step.

Concern clarification and location analysis

enable the development of a concrete action plan with goals, steps and specific time planning for professional reorientation

Profile development to raise your own potential

by becoming aware of personal key qualifications and creating a competence and interest profile

Mastering situations of upheaval with confidence

and find a constructive way of dealing with external and internal pressures. Support in the design of a sustainable professional redesign including the development of alternatives.

Self-promotion and application strategy

suitable for the industry, company size and your personality. Use of the "hidden labor market" and network activation

Application documents and certificate check

Preparation of informative documents and online profiles for the application phase and including the preparation of references for submission to the (former) employer

Score points in the job interview through application training

rhetorical skills, self-presentation, body language, outfit as well as dealing with nervousness

Coaching for professional change desires of all kinds

Job coaching can help you with professional reorientation and a variety of other challenges in your professional life.

Conflict Management

Conflicts at the workplace with colleagues or superiors

Decision Management

Support in decision-making processes

Work-life balance

Work-life balance, stress reduction and prevention of burnout

Self & Time Management

Better self and time management


Preparation of presentations and speeches

For job seekers: Free career coaching

Are you unemployed or at risk of unemployment, for example because a project position is coming to an end? Then we have special coaching offers for you that can be financed by the employment agency or job center. To do this, apply for an activation and placement voucher (AVGS).

The start-up coaching provides the necessary skills for successful self-employment. We accompany you professionally during a concrete start-up process so that you can comprehensively build up your entrepreneurial existence. The appointments can take place in Berlin or nationwide as online coaching.

In the onboarding coaching we are at your side in the first months in the new job, for advice and as sparring partners:innen. We are happy to answer any questions, concerns and fears you may have about this challenge and your new role.

Our AVGS coaching offers you support in your professional reorientation and accompanies you through the application process. The appointments can take place in Berlin or nationwide as online coaching. Find out more without obligation in a free initial consultation!

Get in touch with us right away

Lassen Sie uns gleich starten!

Further services in the area Business Coaching

To help you get to the core of where the greatest undiscovered potential of your personality lies even faster in coaching, we have an additional offer for you: the Kickstart Coaching with the LINC Career Profiler, a scientifically based personality test.

In the onboarding coaching we are at your side in the first months in the new job, for advice and as sparring partners:innen. We are happy to answer any questions, concerns and fears you may have about this challenge and your new role.

In executive coaching, we build on your strengths as a leader and help you find your leadership style, develop your full potential – and still have time and energy left for a life beyond work.