Team Development

A good team is like a bridge that makes it easy for employees to build an emotional bond with the company. One can also say: The whole is more than the sum of its parts.

In any case, a good team is one of the central criteria for success. A good team is also an important factor in why people like to come to work. So it pays off twice to invest in team development.

Teamentwicklung baut Brücken
Team spirit motivates to perform well

Possible goals of team development

Team development can have different goals, for example:

  • Develop common goals and visions as a team
  • Improve workflows and communication among each other
  • Overcoming conflicts that get in the way of constructive cooperation
  • Growing together as a new team, for example when sites are merged or there is a change in leadership
  • As an existing team, get to know each other differently and develop a deeper trust in each other
  • Remove (hidden) obstacles to fully exploit the professional and social potential of the team

In addition to team sessions, team members can also receive one-on-one coaching support.

Procedure of the team development

A team development measure runs as uniquely as your team is.

In any case, during team development we give your employees the space to develop together from a working group to their favorite team. We provide the framework for this development, the participants create their team exactly as it suits them.

Methods for team development

We work with a wide variety of methods. Our team development measures are always varied and interesting, because that’s the best way to learn.

As a rule, we have a mix of moderated discussion, short impulse lectures, work in small groups. The practical exercises are a mix of measures for self-awareness, self- and external perception and group dynamics.

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Further services in the area Human Resources Development

Teams learn through self-reflection and feedback. Supervision promotes these processes. Regular supervision also helps to openly address conflicts within the team and look for solutions together. It also provides a safe space to allow feelings to be expressed in working life. Dealing openly with emotions, both pleasant and unpleasant, strengthens team spirit, promotes enjoyment of work and therefore also has a positive effect on performance.

In-house training courses are seminars for the further development and support of your team. The aim is for employees to perform their tasks with even more competence and increased motivation after the in-house training. In-house training not only expands specialist knowledge, but also promotes internal cohesion and trust. These are all important factors in retaining skilled employees in the organization.