Coaching for people who want to change the world
In our individual coaching sessions, we help you discover resources and engage in new experiences. We support you in actively shaping your professional development so that work and the other areas of life are in harmony.
We also approach corporate coaching on a systemic level. Every person, every team, every internal structure has a share in the overall result. When accompanying development processes in organizations, it is therefore important for us to involve all levels appropriately so that the change becomes a joint success.
Your advantages with SEQUOYA
Our flexibility
We find appointments when and where it suits you. All sessions can take place either in our office in Berlin-Kreuzberg, as online coaching via video call or on the phone.
Our team
We are as diverse as the neighborhood our office is in. For your coaching or development in your company, you can choose who you want to work with from over 15 competent coaches.
Our professionalism
Our coaches have completed a certified training and are specialized in accompanying change processes in a professional context.
Our enthusiasm
Your goal is our goal. And when you reach a milestone in our company, we are at least as pleased as you are.
Our modern attitude towards career
We coach people who want to change the world. By career we mean actively shaping your professional life to find a job with meaning that fits your strengths, your values and your lifestyle.
Our special know-how
We have been assisting people in Berlin with career changes since 2012. We know the ins and outs of the Berlin job market and are very well connected.
Corporate Coaching
The market and industry-specific conditions are changing rapidly these days. A lot of things can be flexibly balanced out by day-to-day business, but sometimes it is time for a major change. It is a pleasure for us to support companies and organizations in this change process with our expertise.
We call it corporate coaching because our approach is similar to that of career coaching for individuals: A company is like a living organism. There are strengths and weaknesses, change requires energy and can cause inner resistance, and a lot of other emotions come up in the process.
We are here for you...
- ...wenn Sie unglücklich im Job sind, aber nicht wissen, was die Alternative ist
- ...wenn Sie sich weiter entwickeln möchten, aber unsicher sind, was für Sie das richtige ist
- ...wenn Sie Angst haben vor Bewerbungsgesprächen
- ...bei allen anderen Themen im Berufsleben, zu denen Sie sich für sich selbst eine Veränderung wünschen
Business Coaching
We provide you with empathetic and professional support for your career change in individual one-to-one coaching sessions. We offer career coaching to help you recognize what you are really good at, what you really want and how you can use both to find a job with meaning. Experienced career coaches will help you to broaden your perspective and find the courage to break new ground.
We are here for you...
...if you are unhappy in your job but do not know what the alternative is
...if you would like to develop further, but are unsure what is right for you
...if you are afraid of job interviews
...for all other topics in your professional life for which you wish a change for yourself
Sponsored Coaching in English (with AVGS voucher)
With the activation and placement voucher (AVGS) from the employment agency or job center, jobseekers receive free individual career coaching from us. You can choose from our team which of our coaches best suits you and your personal situation.
Job Coaching
We support you in individual coaching during your professional orientation and your (re-)entry into professional life. With us you will overcome inner blocks, recognize your strengths and learn how to present yourself optimally in the application process.
Start-Up Coaching
If you would like to start your own business from unemployment, we will provide you with competent support. We support you in individual coaching sessions to successfully implement your business idea.
Der Challenger Fast Track ist ein digitaler Track mit individuellem Coaching für ambitionierte Unternehmer:innen, die ihren persönlichen und unternehmerischen Erfolg selbst in die Hand nehmen und möglichst schnell auf ein nachhaltig stabiles Fundament stellen wollen.
Was bietet Ihnen der Challenger Fast Track?
✓ 10 Tracks zu Personal Profile, Business Profile und Realization Plan.
✓ 16 Tools inkl. Vorlagen und Anleitungen, die Sie so oft nutzen können, wie Sie möchten
✓ individuelle Zeiteinteilung bei der Bearbeitung der Tracks
✓ individueller, wöchentlicher Start möglich
✓ individuelles Online-Coaching möglich
Diese Veranstaltungen ist für Menschen, die bei SEQUOYA ein AVGS-Coaching abgeschlossen haben. Jedes Treffen hat einen inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt. Zusätzlich ist Raum für offene Fragen und Anliegen aller Art, die sich im Zusammenhang mit den eigenen Bewerbungen ergeben.
Diese Veranstaltungen ist für Menschen, die bei SEQUOYA ein AVGS-Coaching abgeschlossen haben. Jedes Treffen hat einen inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt. Zusätzlich ist Raum für offene Fragen und Anliegen aller Art, die sich im Zusammenhang mit der neuen Stelle und dem eigenen Leben ergeben.
Vermietung & Kunst
SEQUOYA ist nicht nur eine Coaching-Agentur, sondern bietet auch „Raum für gute Arbeit“. In diesem Projekt- und Vermietungsraum lässt es sich nicht nur gut arbeiten, sondern es wird auch Raum für inspirierende Kunst geschaffen. SEQUOYA bietet und vermietet seine Räume für unterschiedliche Arbeitsprozesse und schafft Räume für diverse Kunst. In regelmäßigen, wechselnden Ausstellungen werden die Räume für gute Arbeit zu kreativen Kunsträumen und inspirierender Raumkunst.

Our team
What our customers say about us
The coaching helped me to focus on the professional fields that are important to me. The various exercises / tasks helped to make the knowledge of one's own strengths, some of which already existed, more visible.
Although we had to start the coaching digitally, I felt very well picked up and understood by Heike Sohna. She always had my desired goal in mind and yet there was enough time to deal with issues that only came up as a result of the new input.
I am grateful for this experience and for the coach, Ms. Grafenthien, who guided and accompanied me through the uncertain path of my questions. She has brought light and thanks to her I now have the opportunity to address myself to the specific direction of the work I want to do.
Not only that, thanks to her I was also encouraged to discover sides of myself that make me a more conscious person of my life. Ms. Grafenthien was sensitive, attentive, always available and above all very professional. So, thank you for such great coaching/enlightenment!