
How successful a workshop or a large event is depends significantly on the quality of the moderation. Do you want to develop new ideas in the team? Establish common strategies or goals that are binding for all? We bring you and your employees into a creative and productive exchange of ideas.

Advantages of external moderation

Being able to moderate is part of good leadership skills. Often, however, those who can moderate well are also central players in the process at hand – for example, in the creation of new ideas, for finding new solutions, or they are part of a conflict that needs to be resolved.

In these and other constellations, it is advisable to bring in an additional person to moderate a meeting.

With our moderation well accompanied to the solution

The most important advantage of external moderation is that the moderator is completely neutral. This is particularly helpful in achieving goals when sensitive topics are on the agenda and there are conflicts or rivalries between individual participants.

Formats for which external moderation is worthwhile

  • Retreats of a team for strategy development for the following year
  • Committee meetings
  • Events for customers, dialog events with stakeholders
  • Workshops on optimizing internal processes and structures
  • Workshops for the introduction of new tools or workflows
  • Strategic planning meetings of the management staff, seminars for the exchange of information among the managers.
  • Team days, for example to deal with stressors and conflicts
  • Workshops to analyze specific operational processes, e.g., communication with customers, new orientation of the customer journey

Our services for moderation

As professionally trained facilitators, we are used to shaping group processes constructively. We accompany you so that all participants are heard and a solution is found at the end – including the next steps that are necessary after the meeting.

Get in touch with us right away

Take charge of your future.