Archives Leistungen



What is holistic support according to § 16k SGB II? Our holistic support is an individual one-to-one coaching, which is funded via § 16k SGB II. The employment agency finances this coaching to strengthen the employability of the unemployed. The…

INQA: Supported organizational development

Berlin traffic light man

What is the INQA support program? What does INQA mean? INQA is the abbreviation for “Initiative Neue Qualität der Arbeit” (engl. New Quality of Work Initiative). It is a funding program of the German Federal Ministry of Labor and Social…

Kickstart Coaching with LINC Career Profiler

Mit dem Kickstart-Coaching wachsen Sie über sich hinaus und bekommen schnell einen guten Überblick über Ihre Entwicklungsfelder.

Get to the Core Faster with LINC Career Profiler With LINC’s personality test you get a differentiated profile of your character traits, their motives and their competencies. The evaluation comprises over 30 pages. You get a comprehensive insight into your…

Onboarding coaching with AVGS voucher in Berlin

Probationary Coaching

On-the-job coaching: Successfully through the probationary period The probationary period in a new job is often associated with great uncertainty, especially after a period of unemployment. Our onboarding coaching accompanies you through this time. In individual coaching, our professional coaches…

Job coaching with AVGS – in Berlin and online

Group of young people

Our AVGS coaching: certified and supported Are you looking for work or at risk of unemployment? With our customized coaching for professional reorientation, we support you in (re)entering professional life. You can choose your AVGS coach from our team. AVGS…


Supervision SEQUOYA

What is supervision? Supervision is a regulated form of collegial counseling. It enables solution-oriented reflection on daily work and special tasks or challenges. In supervision sessions, colleagues share depressing experiences or stressful events with each other and gain new perspectives…

Inhouse trainings


In-house training at SEQUOYA: Possible topics All our training courses are very practice-oriented and are offered by experienced trainers from the SEQUOYA team who have specialist knowledge on the respective topic. Depending on the length of the workshop (1 to…

Team Development

Teamentwicklung baut Brücken

Possible goals of team development Team development can have different goals, for example: Develop common goals and visions as a team Improve workflows and communication among each other Overcoming conflicts that get in the way of constructive cooperation Growing together…