Archives Leistungen

Change Management

sequoya leistungen change management

Accompaniment at every step of the change A neutral perspective and structured processes are often the key in change processes to fathom problems, develop solutions and achieve results faster. Whether a change project succeeds or fails depends very much on…

Organizational Development

Red thread in coaching

Possible topics for your organizational development How can successful communication structures be established and optimized to ensure a better flow of information? How can the working atmosphere be promoted and an effective “we” feeling be created? How can mistakes be…

Executive coaching

Skalitzer Straße in Berlin with U1 elevated railway line

Leadership coaching supports personal development in the field of leadership As a manager, you are faceted to many challenges and are often the focus of different interests. Technically, most managers are excellent, the stumbling blocks are usually on other levels.…

Job Coaching

Career Coaching Berlin

What do we mean by career planning? For us, career planning means actively shaping your professional development so that you can realize your strengths and values in the context of your work. So that your work fits your life again…