Bärbel Bühler has undergone an extraordinary professional development: From many years of permanent employment in the microcosm of the orchestra to self-chosen freelance work, including unexpected musical opportunities, to counseling and therapeutic work in her own practice.
As a Gestalt therapist, coach and trainer, she uses her diverse experience to support individual and group dynamic processes. She is guided by her interest in the possibilities of dealing with apparent and actual circumstances and her encouraging attitude to go her own way.
Certified Gestalt consultant and coach (IGG)
Certified PEP user according to Dr. Bohne (tapping for performance anxiety)
Certified Gestalt therapist (IGG)
Alternative practitioner (limited to the field of psychotherapy)
Graduate orchestral musician
Focus areas
Conflict managementDecision and goal settingLeadership developmentSelf-strengthening, reflection, resources and potentialSupport with professional orientationTeam building & team developmentWork-live-body-mind balance