Djuke Nickelsen
Djuke Nickelsen is a master coach, trainer (DVNLP), political scientist, trained journalist and certified fundraiser. She has over 15 years of experience working for and with non-profit organizations, communications agencies and the multi-layered Berlin political scene.
As a coach and trainer, she empathically and professionally supports people and teams in challenging situations of all kinds. Her mission: to encourage people to believe in themselves again.
Djuke Nickelsen supports her coachees in looking confidently into the future and discovering what they really want. Coaching with her brings order to inner confusion, so that previously hidden solutions become visible and previously difficult decisions become very easy.
Djuke Nickelsen is also responsible for the concept and implementation of strategic corporate communications at SEQUOYA. She ensures that our complex and multi-layered work is communicated to the outside world in a way that is easy to understand. She is also responsible for marketing.

- Master Coach (DVNLP), trained and certified at the Institute for Applied Positive Psychology (ifapp)
- Coach for the Work (vtw, i. A.)
- Political scientist
- Education at the Cologne School of Journalism for Politics and Economics
- certified fundraiser (fundraising academy)