Marie-Kristin Kaschig


As an Integral Business Coach (DBVC / ICF), Marie-Kristin Kaschig has been supporting managers in the development of their leadership role since 2020 and accompanies clients in their professional (re)orientation in career coaching.

She regularly offers training courses on presentation and performance as well as stress competence, and as a systemic supervisor (DGSF /i.A.) she supports teams in development processes.

Marie-Kristin Kaschig has a professional background as an actress (stage & film) in addition to her training and further education in the field of coaching/supervision/psychology and brings impulses from artistic work processes and expertise in the field of performance and speaking.

Read more about Marie-Kristin Kaschig in the interview with her on our blog: „Zuhören ist die stärkste Intervention“ (German)

Marie-Kristin Kaschig, zertifizierte LINC Personality Profiler Coach


  • Training as an Integral Business Coach at the Coaching Center Berlin
  • Certified as a coach by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and the German Coaching Association (DBVC)
  • Linc Personality Profiler Coach
  • Studied psychology at the University of Hagen
  • Studied acting at the Zurich University of the Arts and over 10 years of experience as an actress (stage / film)
  • Lecturer for acting at various universities


English, French, German

Focus areas

Change managementCommunication, presentation, rhetoricDecision and goal settingLeadership developmentSelf-strengthening, reflection, resources and potentialSeminars, workshops, moderationStrategic career planningStress, self and time managementSupport with professional orientationTeam & individual supervisionTeam building & team developmentWork-live-body-mind balance